Techs Factory® Solution

Who we are

TechsFactory Solution

A group of talented professionals that drives forward thinking taking the biggest challenges!Conceived in 2014 Tech Factory Solution combines the experience of brilliant professionals in the technological sector. Our experience in the technological field is over 17 years and more. We operate to the standards of our name, offering various technological solutions matching the needs of our clients. “Tech Factory Solution” is a revolutionizing technology company that aims to cater for both regional and international market demand. We believe in progressive

thinking through progressive leadership and action. Whether we create a new product or help businesses achieve their commercial goals, Tech Factory Solution is constantly focusing on building stronger communities. Our HQ is in Amman Jordan. Our hub for the region and internationally. We have handled a number of projects locally, regionally and internationally. Due to our vast knowledge in the constantly changing technological sectors, we have the capability to implement projects in countries like Scandinavia from our Amman office. Led by Moutasem Shahin the founder and CEO, Tech Factory Solutions focuses on client stratification, bringing high end technological solutions in an ever changing market. ...


We combined our solutions into two areas of specialties.

Business Solution and Software Development. With specialistsin each area our team of professionals are capable of delivering to the clients commercial goals focusing on the market demand.

Purpose & Vision

Within Business Solutions we focus on identifying ideas to assist companies to reach their commercial goals. Part of digital transformation where we use digital technologies to create...

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Software Development

The world of technology is constantly developing, currently our specialty in Software Development offers 6 services and there are more to come. With Software Development we listen...

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Techs Factory Announces Participation in Figma Config 2024 Conference


Walkers Raising Awareness of Breast Cancer Transform Abdali Into a Pink Spenser by Techs Factory


Al-Balqa Applied University Organizes Scientific Programming Day for Students with Techs Factory CEO


Integrity | We act with honesty, transparency and commitment to doing what is best for our people and our clients. Open to collaboration in pursuit of a healthy environment. Doing what is right for our people and our clients.

Contribution in open source community | Providing and interacting within our community, giving and collaborating with individuals to expand their knowledge and skills.

Diversity |Hosting and respecting the differences that empower us as a company. Ensuring that they begin both the physical and psychological obstacles to increase individual achievement and participation.

Empowerment |We encourage straightforward thinking. Encouraging individuals to take more responsibility, giving them authority and allowing them to take lead and actions.

Knowledge | We leverage our collective talents in invention and innovation of our people and our clients. Focusing on expanding our knowledge by staying updated with the new technology to improve both internally and externally.

Equality | We focus on making sure our people are treated fairly. We recognize that everyone's needs are different. Therefore ensure we are thoughtful and flexible towards each individual.

Championing Environmental Responsibility

Techs Factory® commits to a greener future
for our life and next generations